Photograph all about Cassava vs Yams
Gari is a fermented, gelled and dehydrated food produced from fresh cassava. It is a popular diet in Nigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana and in other West Africa's countries.
Gari is a granulated, white or yellowish product - depending on production methods. It has 10 to 15% moisture content that permits a long conservation. Usually added to beans, it adds a nice texture to any type of food
The cassava leaf was a puree and was mildly spicy. I'm not sure how to describe the taste. It wasn't quite a bitterness, more a mellow richness that went quite well with the chicken.
by Alex, If planted in virgin ground it requires no fertilizer or other care. Planted about a foot apart on ridges about a meter apart. Harvest in 9-10months. 5-6 tons per Rai. 1 ton is worth about $100
It was a smart decision because it was richer than it appeared. Made of homemade tapioca cake topped with young coconut, this little treat is deceivingly sweet. It sits on a fine bed of caramel sauce, which provided a good fusion of flavors and a good balance of taste.
Indonesia, Dish made from Cassava leaves is very delicious. It is one of traditional recipe from Gunungsari Indah, Surabaya.
Few weeks ago, I was traveled out of town for business trip. It was pretty hectic days; I have to finish a lot of stuff. However, it was well paid and I can spend a weekend there. Before I bored you with my job description, let us continue the story. On the weekend I visited one of mall there, I hardly have time to short hang out so I decided to take a walk a little. Doing a shopping is a great pleasure for ladies but not for me, my pleasure is to capture any candid, unpredicted and meaningful moment or we used to named it photography, so window shopping is best for me.
When I reached the hall, I saw a watches exhibition. It was very crowded; people’s appreciation is very high. On a second thought, I once visited a website about Luxury watches, online watches dealer that selling brand new quality watches
Back to exhibition, because taking photo is allowed, I started taking photo as much as I can. Famous branded like Tag-heuer, Tissot, Nautica, Movado, Swiss army, Cartier and even Rolex. I was very excited; I am one of loyal fans for Tag-Heuer. It is my first watch which given to me for my 15 birthday present. I am wearing this watch ever since. I found that my watch type is one of best selling type and soon will be reproduce but in limited edition. Wow, how cool is that…
That very moment was very special for me, after doing a hard work I experience that my ordinary watch is special for other people. Never value your stuff badly, treat them well. Especially if it was given to you from special person. That is your treasure, believe me.
This wonderfully flavored dish is delicious simplicity at it's best. Simmered Cassava is served with a slightly citrusy Garlic-Herb Olive Oil, very similar to Mojo Criollo(Spanish Garlic Sauce). If you've never had cassava, it will fool you the first time you eat it. As you initially bite into the cassava, the texture is like potato; but as you bite further you realize how really dense and starchy this tuber is. Dipped into the garlic oil, it is simply delici-yoso dense and starchy goodness.
show that starch grains from manioc, and other Neotropical root crops, have survived on the surfaces of ancient stone tools.
Standing water has rotted cassava yet to be harvested from fields, leaving families with little food to eat this season. Photo by Astrid de Valon/Trocaire.
During certain seasons of the year, these goodies come out! A special breed of purple yams that are sooo soo good!
The word Yam is believed to derive from to African word nyami, to eat.
Yams are toxic if eaten raw but safe after they are cooked.
Bi tua is a sweet reed with a bubblegum like flavour and green colour used in Thai dishes to add a unique flavour to the dessert. You can see it in the background of the photograph.
Just as you have candied (glacéd) lemon and candied orange in the west, so we have candied cassava root in Asia. Once candied the cassava root is chewier and stickier than other candied fruit, due to its natural guminess.
This dessert food from this Thai called as sungkaya and a custard food.
Main ingredients is duck egg, palm sugar, normal sugar, coconut cream, pandanus leaves flour and cassava.
This gluten-free delicious treat is made of cassava flour or starch and grated cheese such as queijo lanche/prato and parmesan. Whether made of starch or flour, pao de queijo is always a winner.
Once the yams are cooled, scoop out the cooked flesh, and place it in a bowl. Pour the citrus glaze on top, and mix well. Add toasted pecans.
This would be a great salad for Thanksgiving. If you added some dried cranberries it would also work well for Christmas.
a, A starch grain from manioc recovered from milling stone 42. b, A starch grain from the putative wild ancestor of manioc, Manihot esculenta spp. flabellifolia. c, A starch grain from a species of Dioscorea recovered from milling stone 350. d, A starch grain from maize from milling stone 42. This type is unique to maize and is found in Race Jala from Mexico. Scale bar, 5 m (a, b, d); 10
m (c).
Dried (Cassava - Manioc)
Manihot esculenta for sale in the market of Abong-Mbang, East Province, Cameroon.
Actually, waht we call yams are "moist" flesh sweet potato varieties, while the term "sweet potato" is applied to the "dry" flesh types, like the Jersey red and yello varieites common in our supermarkets.
The Dessert Not Korean,
but its the perfect soothing and cooling dessert after all the heat:
Tapioca Pearls with Sweet Coconut Milk & Cantelope
Thai coconut tapioca pudding with cayenne-spiced mango.
This tapioca is so freakin' fantastic I don't know what to say other than I made it again right after trying it the first time!
These gorgeous multicoloured tapioca pearls because they were gorgeous and multicoloured. really