Photograph all about Cassava vs Yams
a, A starch grain from manioc recovered from milling stone 42. b, A starch grain from the putative wild ancestor of manioc, Manihot esculenta spp. flabellifolia. c, A starch grain from a species of Dioscorea recovered from milling stone 350. d, A starch grain from maize from milling stone 42. This type is unique to maize and is found in Race Jala from Mexico. Scale bar, 5 m (a, b, d); 10
m (c).
Dried (Cassava - Manioc)
Manihot esculenta for sale in the market of Abong-Mbang, East Province, Cameroon.
Actually, waht we call yams are "moist" flesh sweet potato varieties, while the term "sweet potato" is applied to the "dry" flesh types, like the Jersey red and yello varieites common in our supermarkets.
The Dessert Not Korean,
but its the perfect soothing and cooling dessert after all the heat:
Tapioca Pearls with Sweet Coconut Milk & Cantelope
Thai coconut tapioca pudding with cayenne-spiced mango.
This tapioca is so freakin' fantastic I don't know what to say other than I made it again right after trying it the first time!